Mental fans CHEAP false Propaganda against other actor fans
This is The thread one which spreading false news about other actors fans....

the cheap work done by the fan called "don deepak"pls check the link is the link he gave in mental community to show the news.....! he was the genius behind creating such a crap news.....! but forgot to take care of the dates.....!he happily put fletcher photo in 1st nov 2006 news.....!
pls hv a look at this....! is another proof for that news was dated in 2006.....! actually it came in 29th september 2006 in Mumbai Mirror....the previous link wat i gave for the same news was in "orkut underworld" seems tat news was updated lately on tat site on 1st nov 2006.....whereas the actual incident happened in september 2006....if u can see the author of the report in mental fan's fake photo and in above link, its same name....nilesh nikade.....! for the incident happened in september 2006, how come the newspaper wud have posted with fletcher photo in that article.......?......come on any person with brain answer me please.....! wat more proof that mental fans and neutral spies want to prove this is the fake work done by mental fans to degrade kamal fans' image turn to defame kamal haasan.....!